Seeking enlightenment?

IMG_0621You can get very close for £75k, according to this estate agent.

It’s been a quiet time recently for me photography-wise. I’ve taken delivery of 48,000 of my Wild Wales postcards, beautifully printed for me by a local printer, and now I have to get out on the road and sell them! Just waiting on the first batch of fridge magnets too, being air-freighted from China. At first the idea of producing fridge magnets seemed a bit tacky, but I gradually came around to the idea. Depending on the image (and the quality of the printing) they can be quite attractive. We’ll have to see how they go.

For some reason I happened to glance in the window of a local estate agent this morning. We know they tend to enhance the positives of their properties but this is surely going too far…..!


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